

  • M. Enterprise Ghana Limited is into joint-venture agreement with Neo Mining Limited, a Ghanaian registered private company.
  • Neo Mining Ltd holds 100% interest in two concessions in prime gold potential areas in Ghana. The Seniagya Pekyerekye and Duayaw Nkwanta Prospecting licenses located in Ashanti and Ahafo Regions of Ghana respectively.
  • Neo Mining concessions are strategically located within the Ashanti and Sefwi gold belts and within 50 kilometers from existing gold mines

Geology and Structures of the
Dua-Yaw Nkwanta Permit

  • The license is situated within the Sefwi greenstone belt.
  • Underlain largely by metamorphosed lavas, pyroclastic and volcanoclastic rocks of the Birimian Super group and granitoids with intermediate composition.
  •  A complex network of structures, mostly parallel and sub parallel to the greenstone belt.

Geology and Structures of the
Dua-Yaw Nkwanta Permit

  • The license is situated within the Sefwi greenstone belt.
  • Underlain largely by metamorphosed lavas, pyroclastic and volcanoclastic rocks of the Birimian Super group and granitoids with intermediate composition.
  • A complex network of structures, mostly parallel and sub parallel to the greenstone belt.

Land Reclamation Project

MEG Visions Reclamation of neglected mine sites as necessary for restoration of ecological integrity but must be based on sound ecological principles.

MEG Adopts the following procedures for reclamation:

  • Earthworks/ slope battering,
  • Spreading of oxide material,
  • Spreading of top soil
  • Construction of crest drains and raising of cover crops to control run-off and erosion.
  • Tree and crop planting,